Why NOW Is The Perfect Time To Be A Packaging Reseller
If I Was a Packaging Reseller...

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Why NOW is a perfect time...
I believe now is the absolute BEST time to be a Packaging Reseller. You read that right…2023…for a number of reasons I’ll get to in a second. But the industry has drastically changed and evolved and for those folks who aren’t following trends, consumer’s interests, and retailers demands, you will be left out in the cold…watching the industry pass you buy. Do yourself a favor and become aware of each of these trends and help your customers by being their Partner…not just another supplier. Here’s how…
Customers now want and expect more customization options…can their packaging be printed, are their bottles able to be silk-screened, will their jars and lids come with embossed logos and printed induction liners?
* NOTE…all of these options are available…most Packaging Resellers look in one place or wherever they normally go (Thomas Register-Google etc) for this info and they fail miserably in knowing what is available. Not all of your customers want brown paper boxes. Not everyone wants a stock bag with a sticker. They want and need customization. Give It To Them!
There is a growing demand for sustainable packaging products…however the term “sustainable” is often confused. Do they mean sustainable…eco-friendly…recyclable…biodegradable…compostable…do they even know the difference?
* KNOW this info as a Packaging Reseller…help your customer, guide them, show they what is possible and what each means (and if you don’t know…ask us or find out…I don’t know isn’t an answer). Our jobs as Packaging Resellers is to “partner” with our customers.
The growth of e-commerce has led to an increase in the demand of packaging products and materials that can protect products during shipping…UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc. As a Packaging Reseller…this is a unique twist to what we’ve always been trained to do. Historically we have tried to create outer and inner packaging that can withstand heavy, heavy abuse. While this worked when products were palletized and shipped by the truckload, when shipping for e-commerce our clients don’t want to spend for heavy/bulky/expensive/rugged packaging anymore.
* OUR JOB—as Packaging Resellers…is to know options…how to gather and position different types of packaging together to create cost effective yet durable packaging. Is that using multiple suppliers of drastically different packaging…to be assembled for easy and inexpensive e-commerce packaging? Rarely is it just a “bag” or mailer…the pouch holding dog treats or protein powder cannot arrive damaged. There is money to be made here…but it is different than what we’ve all grown up providing (in the old days).
Technology has certainly advanced…digital printing, prototype services, 3D rendering programs…all have helped provide not only new and innovative designs but now allow for much smaller runs, which enable big brands to try new versions and styles without committing huge capital resources, but more importantly this has allowed small and medium size companies to compete with packaging as good as if not better than the big boys in their industry.
Rising Transportation Costs
Rising transportation costs are definitely affecting Packaging Resellers. This is a glaring expense that our customers see daily…and they often look to packaging and revised packaging to offset this cost. This is a classic example of an opportunity for Packaging Resellers to get back in front of decision makers at your customer and present new ideas that can help them, now and the long term. What options do you have? What alternatives can you offer your customers? Where can you find cost effective options—do you know? CRITICAL!
Industry Consolidation
The packaging reseller industry is experiencing rapid contraction…either from buyouts and mergers to companies going out of business. What a perfect time to capitalize! Know why this is happening…in your city/area/state? Companies are going out of business…is it because their products are being replaced, their factories cannot find workers, poor or no customer support…some or all of the above? The point…many US companies in the packaging space are floundering or flat out going out of business. YOUR customers are also running short on staff and need your help and guidance. Your customers don’t have time to search and research and test and experiment with new packaging styles and designs. That’s Our Job…and when we do this effectively, we become a trusted partner for our customers, not another supplier of commodity type packaging they can get on Uline or Grainger.
HUGE Opportunity to LEAD not Follow
Paper or Plastic? Biodegradable versus Recyclable? Landfill friendly or compostable? Home compostable or industrial compostable?
These are all critical things Packaging Resellers need to be aware of. Many of our customers have no clue what is available, what these terms mean, or even how to present the Truth-Facts about different packaging materials. WE can and MUST help them. Our job is to know these topics…good or bad…despite our opinions or thoughts…the Truth is the Truth. Know the statistics, know the facts, have numbers and statistics you can share so your customer can stand tall. Without this, you’ll be going up against their preconceived thoughts and opinions (which are often wrong.)
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