Dodge Long Lead Times With Our Alcohol Pouches and Printed Cans
Brewers and beverage brands are facing daunting challenges in the packaging supply chain in 2021, much like virtually all other sellers of consumer packaged goods. Many are currently running two shifts rather than the standard three, struggling to find the bottles, cans, and labels they need, and looking for reliable alternatives.
Sound familiar? Here’s some good news: You’ve got options.
Domestic Can Printing vs. Stock Cans
Domestically printed beer cans are backed up with extended delays — a 12-month lead time is common (and lucky), even for small to medium sized breweries — and the obvious alternatives aren’t all that appealing.
An order of stock cans, on the other hand, would come unprinted. Then you’ve got to hire a service to come out and fill the unprinted cans and label them afterwards. It’s not possible to pre-label the cans because the beverage can get on the outside and create complications.
Neither option is great. What have you got left?
A Global Network For Beverage Can Printing
With domestic printing underwater, where can you go? Over the water. A worldwide network of printing solutions can source your printed cans without the wait. We’ve got boots on the ground in countries around the globe as well as here in the U.S., ready and waiting to get the job done inside three weeks.
There are four main advantages to tapping into The Oversea Network from ABC Packaging:
Cost savings. Our system costs a fraction of what it would take to expedite printed beer cans from any solely domestic supplier.
Speed. With sourcing partners everywhere and infrastructure in the U.S. to receive and store orders of any size until you need them (free of charge), we can get fully branded printed cans to you in around 20 days.
Vaults Your Brand. Stock cans with labels are serviceable, but look second-rate next to the leading companies. Our beverage can printing process shows you’re on the level with the bigger guys.
Convenience. You won’t have to hire an independent outfit to come out to your facility and fill your product for a few weeks, then place labels over it. It’s all taken care of with a professional finish.
Hop Aboard the Alcohol Pouches Train
Beer in a bag? What? Yes, you can put alcoholic beverages in high-quality, eye-popping stand up pouches that use a spout or spigot to dispense the drink in style. Liquid spout bags are an innovative solution that’s been spreading in popularity in the U.S. over the last few years after enjoying immense popularity overseas. They’re great for coffee, beer, wine, mixed drinks — you name it.
Alcohol pouches are the perfect on-the-go packaging choice to make your brand stand out from the crowd, but they’re actually more practical and effective than bottles or cans, too. Consider:
Bags don’t shatter. A single dropped wine bottle makes a spectacular (and dangerous) mess. Go ahead — drop our bags. Nothing will happen. They’re resilient, puncture-resistant solutions that naturally absorb impacts and can be reinforced with layers of foil, Mylar, clear structures, or metalized film.
Big, bold printing surface. A pouch is easy to print edge-to edge in it’s flat, pre-filled state with bright and striking imagery, logos, or messaging.
Easy to customize. Give it a handle for toting across the yard. Equip it with a snazzy spigot on the bottom for beer tap-style pouring.
Fast lead times. We can get finished alcohol pouches in your hands months earlier than the domestic canning industry can manage right now.
Turns heads. Your product will look creative, fun, convenient, and most importantly, different from the other guys. There’s no better way to attract thirsty eyes on the shelf than a wholly unique shape and design.
Give us a call and we’ll be happy to send you samples of innovative liquid spout bags designed specifically for alcoholic beverages, bold printed cans, and other liquid packaging solutions that can offer an instant advantage.